Research associates in projects:

Projects of the Croatian Science Foundation:

  1. Wheat breeding for resistance to Fusarium head blight combined with mycotoxin analysis and antioxidant pathways“, 2015-2018, project lider Valentina Španić, PhD
  2. „Genetic improvement and optimization of wheat yield potential“, 2017-2021, project lider Dario Novoselović, PhD

Projects of the Ministry of Agriculture:

  1. „Modern technologies in intensive plum production“, 2016-2018, project lider Krunoslav Dugalić, PhD
  2. „Improvement of bread and durum wheat production for the family farms in Republic of Croatia“, 2016-2018, project lider Dario Novoselović,  PhD
  3. „The impact of biological measures on pear psylla (Cacopsylla pyri L.) control and reduce of abiotic stresses in the system of integrated crop protection“, 2015-2017, project lider Vesna Tomaš, PhD
  4. „Development of the production and use of naked barley in human nutrition, animal husbandry and malting“, 2015-2017, project lider Alojzije Lalić,  PhD