EPPN2020 projects. GC–MS based metabolic profiling identifies changes in the winter wheat seed following Fusarium treatment.
Financed by Horizon2020. (2021.).
Project leader: dr. sc. Valentina Španić
EU project: Response of winter wheat to biotic and abiotic stresses induced by climatic changes.
EU funds. (2019-2022).
Project leader: dr. sc. Valentina Španić
Bilateral project between Croatia and China. Improving resistance of wheat to abiotic and biotic stress. (2019-2021).
Project leader: dr.sc.Valentina Španić
Bilateral project between Croatia and Hungary. Genetic variability of winter wheat varieties based on Fusarium head blight resistance. (2019-2021).
Project leader: dr. sc. Valentina Španić
EPPN2020 projects: Analyses of the influence of leaf rust (Puccinia triticina Erikss.) on carbohydrate and antioxidant metabolism and phytohormones of wheat by combining multispectral imaging with physiological phenotyping.
Financed by Horizon2020. (2021, prolonged due to COVID).
Project leader: dr. sc. Valentina Španić
Genetic improvement and optimization of wheat yield potential GI OPTI WHEAT (HRZZ-IP-06-2016-2178)
Project leader: dr. sc. Dario Novoselović
Project duration: 01.03.2017.-28.02.2021.
Research project-Croatian Science Foundation
Measure: M10.2. Support to conservation of genetic resources in agriculture: Preservation, sustainable use and development of genetic resources in agriculture
National program of preservation and sustainable utilisation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture: 2017-2020
Participants from Department for Breeding and Genetcs of Small Grain Cereals:
Krešimir Dvojković, PhD – winter wheat; Alojzije Lalić, PhD – two and sir row winter and spring barley
Financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
Development of bread and durum wheat germplasm for family farms in Republic of Croatia (2016-14-65)
Project leader: dr. sc. Dario Novoselović
Project duration: 2016.-2018.
Research & Development project – Ministry of Agriculture – Council for Agricultural Research
Wheat breeding for resistance to fusarium head blight combined with mycotoxin analysis and antioxidant pathways (HRZZ-UIP-2014-9188)
Project leader: dr. sc. Valentina Španić
Project duration: 01.06.2015. – 31.05.2018.
Installation research project – Croatian Science Foundation
Development of production and utilisation of hulless barley in human nutrition, animal husbandry and malting (VIP-2015-13/39)
Project leader: doc. dr. sc. Alojzije Lalić
Project duration: 2015.-2017.
Research & Development project – Ministry of Agriculture – Council for Agricultural Research
New approach in wheat and barley breeding (0730718)
Programme leader: prof. dr. sc. Georg Drezner
Programme duration: 2007.-2014.
Scientific programme – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Development of new germplasm in breeding of quantitative traits of wheat (073-0730718-0598)
Project leader: prof. dr. sc. Georg Drezner
Project duration: 2007.-2014.
Scientific project – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (programme component)
Genotipization and development of malting and fodder barley germplasm (073-0730718-0550)
Project leader: doc. dr. sc. Alojzije Lalić
Project duration: 2007.-2014.
Scientific project – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (programme component)
Development of QTL by molecular markers for wheat quality traits (073-0730718-0536)
Project leader: dr. sc. Dario Novoselović
Project duration: 2007.-2014.
Scientific project – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (programme component)
Exchange of small grain cereals and maize germplasm resources between Croatia and Yellow river delta of China
Project leader in Croatia: dr. sc. Krešimir Dvojković
Project duration: 2013.-2015.
Bilateral scientific project – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports between Croatia and China
Genetic diversity of gluten proteins and their relation with wheat baking quality
Project leader in Croatia: dr.sc. Daniela Horvat
Project duration: 2011.-2013.
Bilateral scientific project – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports between Croatia and Serbia