New early variety with a high yield potential

  • Early variety
  • New, earlier two-rowed winter barley variety
  • Capable of high grain yield potential even in drought years thanks to earlier heading and extended grain-filling time
  • Well-formed, large grains, high grain-filling intensity, higher standard mass per storage volume, and high first-class grain content
  • Very high grain yields can be expected in more fertile soils, using intensive crop management and well-balanced mineral fertilisation
  • Very short and very firm stems minimize the risk of lodging
  • Due to early maturity and earlier technological maturity, production of catch crops – 00 group soybean varieties with a short vegetation period (Korana) or early FAO 300 group hybrids (OS 3114) – can be planned after Pleter, if weather is adequate
  • Recommended seeding rate of 200-220 kg/ha in optimal sowing period

Uses: livestock industry, human consumption

Average stem height 82 cm

1000-kernel weight 46-50 g

Standard mass per storage volume 70 kg/hl

Seeding rate 375-425 germinable seeds/m2 (200-220 kg/ha)