Soybean germplasm evaluation: Nutritive grain quality under climate change conditions
Carbon Farming CE – Development of Carbon Farming in the Central Europe CE 0100255
The Corporate Service includes the Library and the Institute Archives. According to the organisation in the Statute, the director of the Institute is also a part of the Service.
The Service consists of 13 employees which include: The director and the assistant director for international cooperation, 2 doctors of science, 4 employees who completed high education, 1 employee who completed higher education, 4 employees who completed secondary education, 2 qualified employees, and 3 unqualified employees.
The director of the Institute and the type I head of a Service (secretary) are funded from the State Budget, and the rest of the employees are funded from the income of the Institute.
The Service is financed from the income of the Institute. The basic task of the Service is performing legal, general, administrative, technical, and all other general activities required by the Institute, ministries, state institutions, and others. It creates drafts of the Statute, Ordinances, and other general acts, as well as contract drafts and similar, which are used to regulate specific matters regarding the activities of the Institute. It handles property and legal activities, keeps up with legal provisions, and provides legal opinions and interpretations of ordinances. It creates and submits applications for entries into the court registry and other registries and records. It cooperates with other employees and scientists in the organisation of professional and general activities related to the programme of continuous scientific and research activities of the Institute. It is in charge of keeping the minutes at the meetings of the Scientific and Administrative Council of the Institute, and at the meetings of all the bodies and committees of the Institute. It handles legal regulations and the implementation of public procurement. It keeps personnel records, employee registers, registers and stops insurance, and handles other activities related to health and pension insurance, drafts and issues decisions on the use of yearly vacations, paid leaves, unpaid leaves, personal income, and similar. It keeps personal employee files. It fills in workplace injury records, job and task descriptions, requests for issuing health insurance cards, and similar. It keeps the registry book and the mail records: It sends, receives, and keeps records about the mail, submits mail for inspection and signature to the director, distributes mail to organisational units, and keeps records of travel expenses. The Service delivers statistical information and other employee related reports.
The Service controls, supervises, and applies workplace safety and fire protection regulations, as well as regulations concerning keeping and storing archival material of the Institute.
The service handles the development and the proper function of the institution’s IT system: The management and maintenance of the network servers, providing application and system engineer support to users throughout the segments of the business and manufacturing processes, and the presentation of the Institute on its website.
The primary purpose of the Library activities is the information support to the scientific and research work of our clients, primarily the employees of the Institute.
Head of service
Melita Kovačević, BSc
Phone: 031 / 515 - 505
Service staff
Vesna Lalić
Phone: 031 / 515 - 502
Marija Conjar
Phone: 031 / 515 - 506
Mladen Krušarovski, BSc
Senior Technician - System Engineer
Phone: 031 / 515 - 566
Ivana Brkić
Phone: 031 / 515 - 558