Leader of the project “Development of production and utilisation of hulless barley in human nutrition, animal husbandry and malting” financed by Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Croatia – Council for Agricultural Research, Doc. dr. sc. Alojzije Lalić, senior scientific adviser, of the Agricultural Institute Osijek from Department for Small Cereal Crops in collaboration with dr. sc. Gordana Šimić, dr. sc. Ivan Abičić, dr. sc. Daniela Horvat, dr. sc. Krešimir Dvojković and dr. sc. Luka Andrić in 2018 published a book “Development of production and utilisation of hulless barley in human nutrition, animal husbandry and malting”
CIP code is available in digital catalogue of City and University library Osijek under number 140823020
ISBN 978-953-7843-06-9; UDK: 633.16; 663.4; 664.6/7