Head of department

Krešimir Dvojković, PhD

Senior Scientific Adviser

Phone: 031 / 515 - 512
email: kresimir.dvojkovic@poljinos.hr

Scientific and professional staff

Prof. Georg Drezner, PhD

Senior Scientific Adviser; Full Professor Tenure - in retirement/part time

Phone: 031 / 515 - 510
email: georg.drezner@poljinos.hr

Assist. prof. Alojzije Lalić

Senior Scientific Adviser; Assistant Professor

Phone: 031 / 515 - 511
email: alojzije.lalic@poljinos.hr

Dario Novoselović, PhD

Senior Scientific Adviser

Phone: 031 / 515 - 517
email: dario.novoselovic@poljinos.hr

Valentina Španić, PhD

Senior Scientific Adviser

Phone: 031 / 515 - 563
email: valentina.spanic@poljinos.hr

Gordana Šimić, PhD

Senior Scientific Adviser

Phone: 031 / 515 - 513
email: gordana.simic@poljinos.hr

Ivan Abičić, PhD

Scientific Associate

Phone: 031 / 515 - 515
email: ivan.abicic@poljinos.hr

Ivana Plavšin, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

Phone: 031 / 515 - 545
email: ivana.plavsin@poljinos.hr

Katarina Šunić, mag.biolog

Assistant/PhD student

Phone: 031 / 515 - 545
email: katarina.sunic@poljinos.hr

Jurica Duvnjak, mag. ing. agr.

Assistant/PhD student

Phone: 031 / 515 - 516
email: jurica.duvnjak@poljinos.hr

Dubravka Hefer, univ. spec. agr.

Professional Associate

Phone: 031 / 515 - 564
email: dubravka.hefer@poljinos.hr

Kristina Lutrov, BSc

Professional Associate

Phone: 031 / 515 - 565
email: kristina.lutrov@poljinos.hr

Željka Kraljević

Technical Associate

Phone: 031 / 515 - 514
email: zeljka.kraljevic@poljinos.hr

Aleksandra Kandrač

Technical Associate

Phone: 031 / 515 - 514
email: aleksandra.kandrac@poljinos.hr

Igor Šorša

Technical Associate

Phone: 031 / 515 - 562
email: igor.sorsa@poljinos.hr

Vedran Vekić

Technical Associate

Phone: 031 / 515 - 518
email: vedran.vekic@poljinos.hr

Until today Department for cereal breeding and genetics of Agricultural Institute Osijek, in Republic of Croatia, has 156 winter wheat varieties recognized (Table 1.), among them one variety – Osječka Šišulja – has been released in production, 62 varieties of two-rowed winter barley (Table 2.), 20 six-rowed winter barley varieties (Table 3.) and 44 variety of spring barley (Table 4.), while in abroad were recognized 75 wheat and 40 barley varieties (Table 5.).

The most important winter wheat varieties created at the Agricultural Institute Osijek until now are Osječka Šišulja, Slavonka, Osječka 20, Slavonija, Žitarka, Srpanjka, Super Žitarka, Golubica, Lucija, Katarina, Vulkan, Kraljica, Tika Taka and Felix.

The most important winter barley varieties created at the Agricultural Institute Osijek until now are Satir, Mursa, Pan, Sladoran, Rodnik, Rex, Zlatko, Lord, Barun, Bingo, Titan, Bravo, Maxim, Lukas and Maestro, and for spring barley varieties Velebit, Jaran, Astor, Matej, Stribor and Ikar.


Table 1. List of recognized winter wheat varieties of Department for breeding and genetics of small grain cereals of Agriculture Institute Osijek, year of recognition and their authors and co-authors. 

Variety Year Authors
156. SLAVONIKA 2023. Španić, V., Drezner, G., Dvojković, K.
155. ESSEKERKA 2023. Španić, V., Drezner, G., Dvojković, K.
154. BARUNICA 2023. Dvojković, K., Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Španić, V.
153. OS VIGO 2023. Dvojković, K., Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Španić, V.
152. FORMULA 2023. Dvojković, K., Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Španić, V.
151. JUPI 2023. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
150. BEĆARUŠA 2022. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
149. BEKRIJA 2022. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
148. ĐENKA 2021. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
147. BEĆAR 2020. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
146. BRKO 2020. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
145. BARBA 2020. Novoselović, D., Plavšin, I., Ivić, M., Dvojković, K.
144. INDIRA 2020. Dvojković, K., Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Španić, V.
143. GROFICA 2019. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
142. GARAVUŠA 2019. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
141. LJUPKA 2018. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
140. DOBITAK 2018. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
139. TATA MATA 2017. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
138. BUBIMIR 2017. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
137. RUJANA 2017. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
136. PEPELJUGA 2017. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
135. KLARISA 2017. Novoselović, D.
134. BARCELONA 2017. Novoselović, D.
133. ZVIZDAN 2016. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
132. PAVICA 2016. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
131. FIFI 2016. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
130. EL NINO 2016. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
129. BUBNJAR 2016. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
128. WALDINGER 2016. Novoselović, D., Drezner, G., Šimek, R.
127. GALLOPER 2015. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
126. TIKA TAKA 2014. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K.
125. OS JELENA 2014. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K.
124. DAM DAJ 2014. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
123. KLASAN 2014. Novoselović, D., Drezner, G., Šimek, R.
122. ZLATOVEZ 2013. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
121. ČIPKA 2013. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
120. TSUNAMI 2013. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
119. ERUPCIJA 2013. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
118. OS LUCY 2013. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
117. KATICA 2011. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
116. ANTONIJA 2011. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
115. LEUTA 2011. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
114. REBEKA 2011. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
113. NOVA ŽITARKA 2010. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
112. KASANDRA 2010. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
111. SILVIJA 2010. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
110. LADARICA 2010. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
109. KRALJICA 2010. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
108. LENKA 2010. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
107. NADALINA 2010. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
106. VERONIKA 2009. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
105. VULKAN 2009. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
104. JANA 2009. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
103. OS OLIMPIJA 2009. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
102. TIHANA 2009. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
101. ILIRIJA 2008. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
100. MIRANDA 2008. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
99. JADRANKA 2008. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
98. VESNA 2008. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
97. ANĐELKA 2008. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
96. RUŽICA 2008. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
95. MIHAELA 2008. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
94. SISY 2007. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
93. FELIX 2007. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
92. ZLATA 2007. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
91. SEKA 2006. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
90. RENATA 2006. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
89. AIDA 2006. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
88. KATARINA 2006. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
87. ROMANA 2006. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
86. LELA 2006. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
85. PIPI 2006. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
84. SUZANA 2005. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
83. ELVIRA 2005. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
82. TONKA 2004. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
81. VILA 2004. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
80. KLEOPATRA 2004. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
79. BLANKA 2003. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
78. ELIZA 2003. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
77. MARTA 2003. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
76. JANICA 2003. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
75. SENKA 2003. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
74. ZRNKA 2003. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
73. OS ALKA 2003. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
72. ŽELJKA 2002. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
71. PANONIJA 2002. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
70. PETRA 2002. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
69. TEUTA 2002. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
68. NEVENA 2002. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
67. KIKI 2002. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
66. ŠEVA 2002. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
65. EMA 2001. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
64. LUCIJA 2001. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
63. PANONKA 2001. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
62. KRISTINA 2001. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
61. JULIJA 2000. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
60. MARTINA 2000. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
59. HANA 1999. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
58. BETA 1999. Drezner, G.
57. MONIKA 1999. Drezner, G.
56. JASNA 1999. Drezner, G.
55. EDITA 1998. Drezner, G., Jurković, J.
54. SOFIJA 1998. Drezner, G., Jurković, J.
53. KLARA 1997. Drezner, G., Jurković, J.
52. SUPER ŽITARKA 1997. Drezner, G.
51. BARBARA 1997. Drezner, G.
50. GOLUBICA 1997. Drezner, G.
49. KATA 1997. Drezner, G.
48. BOŽICA 1997. Drezner, G.
47. JANJA 1997. Drezner, G.
46. EVA 1996. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
45. MANDA 1994. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
44. JOZA 1994. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
43. INGA 1994. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
42. ELZA 1994. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
41. FENIKS 1993. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
40. VICTORIA 1993. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
39. SNAŠA 1993. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
38. ŠOKICA 1993. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
37. RUŽA 1993. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
36. AFRODITA 1993. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
35. MAJA 1993. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
34. NERETVA 1993. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
33. DANICA 1993. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
32. RAVNICA 1993. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
31. DEMETRA 1991. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
30. FORTUNA 1991. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
29. PODRAVINA 1991. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
28. STELLA 1991. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
27. OSJEČKA 23 1990. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
26. OSJEČKA 22 1990. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
25. OSJEČKA 21 1990. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
24. ALJMAŠANKA 1989. Bede, M., Martinčić, J., Drezner, G.
23. SRPANJKA 1989. Bede, M., Martinčić, J., Drezner, G.
22. KUTJEVČANKA 1989. Bede, M., Martinčić, J., Drezner, G.
21. ANA 1988. Bede, M., Martinčić, J., Drezner, G.
20. BISERNICA 1988. Bede, M., Martinčić, J., Drezner, G.
19. DUNAVKA 1988. Bede, M., Martinčić, J., Drezner, G.
18. DVANAESTA 1988. Bede, M., Martinčić, J., Drezner, G.
17. NJIVKA 1987. Bede, M., Martinčić, J., Drezner, G.
16. ĐERDANKA 1986. Bede, M., Martinčić, J.
15. ŽITARKA 1985. Bede, M., Martinčić, J.
14. POLJARKA 1985. Martinčić, J., Bede, M.
13. RATARKA 1985. Bede, M., Martinčić, J.
12. SLAVONIJA 1984. Bede, M., Martinčić, J.
11. NADA 1984. Bede, M., Martinčić, J.
10. MURSA 1984. Bede, M., Martinčić, J.
9. OSJEČANKA 2 1981. Bede, M.
8. OSJEČANKA 1981. Bede, M., Marković, H.
7. KRUŠARKA 1980. Mađarić, Z., Martinčić, J., Bede, M., Marković, H.
6. OSJEČKA 20 1978. Mađarić, Z., Martinčić, J.
5. OSJEČKA CRVENKA 1976. Mađarić, Z., Martinčić, J.
4. TENA 1973. Mađarić, Z., Martinčić, J.
3. SLAVONKA 1970. Mađarić, Z., Valenčić, M., Martinčić, J.
2. DUBRAVA 1968. Mađarić, Z., Valenčić, M.
1. OSJEČKA ŠIŠULJA 1936. Korić, M. – uvedena u proizvodnju


Table 2. List of recognized two-rowed winter barley varieties of Department for breeding and genetics of small grain cereals of Agriculture Institute Osijek, year of recognition and their authors and co-authors.

Variety Year Authors
62. ARISTOS 2023. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
61. PONOS 2022. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
60. OTKOS 2021. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
59. TRISTAN 2020. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
58. LOTUS 2020. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
57. KUM 2019. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
56. KRALJ 2018. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
55. KOLEDAR 2018. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
54. GVOZD 2017. Lalić, A., Abičić, I.
53. DOMINUS 2017. Lalić, A., Abičić, I.
52. PLETER 2017. Lalić, A., Abičić, I.
51. MANDATAR-GOLOZRNI 2017. Lalić, A., Abičić, I.
50. PREDATOR 2016. Lalić, A., Abičić, I.
49. OSVIT 2014. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J., Abičić, I.
48. TUNA 2014. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J., Abičić, I.
47. PREMIUM 2010. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
46. LUKAS 2010. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
45. MAESTRO 2010. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
44. TREF 2010. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
43. BRAVO 2009. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
42. ALBATROS 2009. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
41. MAXIM 2009. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
40. GORDON 2008. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A., Babić, D.
39. PRIMUS 2007. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
38. GAZDA 2007. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
37. MERKUR 2007. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
36. SPARTAK 2006. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
35. BINGO 2005. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
34. ESEKER 2004. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A., Babić, D.
33. PROMETEJ 2003. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
32. MATA 2003. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J., Babić, D.
31. GVOZD 2003. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J., Babić, D.
30. HERAKLO 2003. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
29. TRENK 2002. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
28. LUKA 2002. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
27. BARUN 2001. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
26. PEGAS 2001. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
25. MARTIN 2000. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
24. ZLATKO 1999. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
23. GUSTAV 1998. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A., Čosić, J.
22. OLIMP 1997. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
21. VIKTOR 1996. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
20. ZVONIMIR 1995. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
19. MIHAEL 1993. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
18. DAVID 1993. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
17. DANKO 1991. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
16. REX 1990. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
15. VAL 1989. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
14. PANONAC 1987. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
13. RODNIK 1986. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
12. BAJA 1985. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
11. SOKOL 1984. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
10. OSJEČANIN 1984. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
9. SLADORAN 1984. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
8. DORAT 1983. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
7. PAN 1983. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
6. SLAVONAC 1980. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
5. MARSONIJA 1977. Valenčić, M.
4. OSJEČKI GOLI 1974. Valenčić, M.
3. ALKAR 1973. Valenčić, M.
2. MURSA 1972. Valenčić, M.
1. SATIR 1970. Valenčić, M.


Table 3. List of recognized six-rowed winter barley varieties of Department for breeding and genetics of small grain cereals of Agriculture Institute Osijek, year of recognition and their authors and co-authors.

Variety Year Authors
20. VITO 2023. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
19. PAJDO 2020. Lalić, A., Abičić, I.
18. BEPO 2019. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
17. ROKO 2018. Lalić, A., Abičić, I.
16. PANONAC 2017. Lalić, A., Abičić, I.
15. AMIGO 2010. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
14. OLIVER 2010. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
13. TITAN 2007. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
12. PRINC 2003. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
11. GROF 2002. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
10. LORD 2000. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
9. KARLO 2000. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
8. BARTOL 1998. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A., Čosić, J.
7. PODRAVAC 1996. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
6. BARANJAC 1993. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
5. POSAVAC 1993. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
4. OSIJEK 1988. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
3. OSJEČKI RANI 1983. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
2. KORNAKUM 1977. Valenčić, M.
1. VAL-MA 1976. Valenčić, M.


Table 4. List of recognized spring barley varieties of Department for breeding and genetics of small grain cereals of Agriculture Institute Osijek, year of recognition and their authors and co-authors.

Ime sorte Godina Autori
44. DONATOR 2023. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
43. JAROVIT 2023. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
42. VITAS 2021. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
41. PRKOS 2020. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
40. SVEN 2017. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
39. PIVARAC 2015. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Šimić, G.
38. DADO 2015. Lalić, A., Abičić, I., Kovačević, J.
37. IKAR 2010. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
36. JARILO 2009. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
35. STRIBOR 2009. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
34. SPRINGER 2009. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
33. NESTOR 2007. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
32. REM 2007. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
31. ROMUL 2007. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
30. OSKAR 2006. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J., Babić, D.
29. JAN 2006. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J., Babić, D.
28. PATRIK 2004. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A., Babić, D.
27. ROBI 2003. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
26. BORNA 2003. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J., Babić, D.
25. MATEJ 2002. Lalić, A., Kovačević, J.
24. FRAN 2002. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
23. ZDESLAV 2001. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
22. MISLAV 2001. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
21. VALENTIN 2000. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
20. DOMINIK 1999. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
19. MARKO 1999. Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
18. DARKO 1998. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
17. IGOR 1998. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
16. BALTAZAR 1993. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
15. VITEZ 1993. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
14. FAVORY 1993. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
13. LUNAR 1991. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
12. LUX 1991. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
11. ASTOR 1991. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
10. ORION 1990. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
9. PIVARAC 1990. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J., Lalić, A.
8. OSVIT 1988. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
7. PRENJ 1985. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
6. JARAN 1983. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
5. NEHAJ 1981. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
4. PAPUK 1980. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
3. KALNIK 1980. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
2. DILJ 1980. Martinčić, J., Kovačević, J.
1. VELEBIT 1977. Valenčić, M.


Table 5. List of winter wheat, two-rowed, six-rowed and spring barley varieties of Department for Breeding and Genetics of Small Grain Cereals of Agriculture Institute Osijek, recognized abroad with country and year of recognition and their authors and co-authors. 

Wheat / Variety name / State Year Authors
75. BARBA / Republic of Ukraine 2023. Novoselović, D., Plavšin, I., Ivić, M., Dvojković, K.
74. BARBA / Republic of Kosovo 2023. Novoselović, D., Plavšin, I., Ivić, M., Dvojković, K.
73. BRKO / Republic of Kosovo 2023. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
72. INDIRA / Republic of Kosovo 2023. Dvojković, K., Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Španić, V.
71. VULKAN / Republic of Kosovo 2023. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
70. GARAVUŠA / Republika Srbija 2022. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
69. BARBA / Republika Srbija 2022. Novoselović, D., Plavšin, I., Ivić, M., Dvojković, K.
68. INDIRA / Republika Srbija 2022. Dvojković, K., Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Španić, V.
67. TIKA TAKA / Republika Moldavija 2018. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K.
66. FELIX / Republika Moldavija 2018. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
65. KATARINA / Republika Ukrajina 2018. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
64. FELIX / Republika Ukrajina 2018. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
63. BUBIMIR / Republika Srbija 2018. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
62. DURU 17 / Republika Turska 2017. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K.
61. OS JELENA  / Republika Turska 2018. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K.
60. KRALJICA / Republika Kosovo 2016. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
59. KATARINA / Republika Kosovo 2016. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
58. KATARINA / Republika Moldavija 2016. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
57. LUCIJA / Republika Kosovo 2016. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
56. RENATA  / Republika Turska 2016. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
55. LEUTA / Republika Turska 2016. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
54. ALKA / Republika Rumunjska 2014. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
53. SEKA / Republika Rumunjska 2014. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
52. RENATA / Republika Rumunjska 2014. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
51. OS JELENA / Republika Srbija 2014. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K.
50. DAM DAJ / Republika Srbija 2014. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V.
49. TIKA TAKA / Republika Srbija 2014. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K.
48. VULKAN / Republika Kosovo 2014. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
47. OS JANA / Republika Slovenija 2013. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
46. LUCIJA / Republika Slovenija 2013. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
45. OS ALKA / Republika Slovenija 2013. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
44. VULKAN / Republika Srbija 2012. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
43. KATARINA / Republika Srbija 2012. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
42. ALKA / Republika Srbija 2012. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
41. VULKAN / Republika Slovenija 2011. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
40. ANĐELKA / Republika Rumunjska 2011. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
39. BANDOLERO / Republika Rumunjska 2011. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
38. MIHAELA / Republika Rumunjska 2011. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
37. LUCIJA / Republika Makedonija 2011. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
36. LELA / Republika Slovenija 2011. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
35. RENATA / Republika Slovenija 2011. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
34. KATARINA / Republika Rumunjska 2011. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
33. RENATA / Republika Makedonija 2011. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
32. ALKA / Republika Turska 2011. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
31. FELIX / Republika Rumunjska 2010. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
30. ANĐELKA / Republika Slovenija 2010. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
29. KATARINA / Republika Slovenija 2010. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
28. ILINCA / Republika Rumunjska 2009. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
27. SUPER ŽITARKA / Federacija BiH 2008. Drezner, G.
26. GOLUBICA / Federacija BiH 2008. Drezner, G.
25. ILIRIJA / Federacija BiH 2008. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
24. GOLUBICA / Republika Kosovo 2007. Drezner, G.
23. SUPER ŽITARKA / Republika Kosovo 2007. Drezner, G.
22. OSK. 244-04 / Republika Makedonija 2007. Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D.
21. PANONKA / Republika Kosovo 2007. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D.
20. ILIRIJA / Republika Kosovo 2007. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
19. FICKO / Republika Slovenija 2007. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
18. GOLUBICA / Republika Makedonija 2004. Drezner, G.
17. KLARA / Republika Makedonija 2004. Drezner, G., Jurković, J.
16. 314-00 / Republika Makedonija 2004. Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K.
15. MONIKA / Federacija BiH 2003. Drezner, G.
14. BARBARA / Federacija BiH 2003. Drezner, G.
13. KATA / Federacija BiH 2003. Drezner, G.
12. SUPER ŽITARKA / Republika Slovenija 2002. Drezner, G.
11. SUPER ŽITARKA / Republika Makedonija 2001. Drezner, G.
10. BARBARA / Republika Makedonija 2001. Drezner, G.
9. PANONKA / Republika Slovenija 2001. Drezner, G.
8. DEMETRA / Republika Slovenija 1996. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
7. SLAVONIJA / Republika Albanija 1996. Bede, M., Martinčić, J.
6. ŽITARKA / Republika Albanija 1996. Bede, M., Martinčić, J.
5. DEMETRA / Republika Albanija 1996. Bede, M., Drezner, G., Martinčić, J.
4. ANA / Republika Mađarska 1990. Bede, M., Martinčić, J., Drezner, G.
3. DANKA / Republika Mađarska 1989. Bede, M., Martinčić, J.
2. SARAY BOSNA / Republika Turska 1988. Bede, M., Martinčić, J.
1. BRAZILIA / Republika Italija 1985. Bede, M., Martinčić, J.
Barley / Variety name / State Year Authors

In 1930, the Agricultural Representative and Control Station was founded (the precursor to the Agricultural Institute Osijek) and in 1931 prof.dr.sc. Mirko Korić started working on breeding wheat. Osiječka Šišulja, which started production in 1936, is his most famous variety of wheat, which was planted for about 20 years on 100 000 – 500 000 ha per year. In the mid 1950s, prof.dr.sc. Mato Valenčić extended that work to barley. The Department for Breeding Wheat and/or Barley employed and employs: prof.dr.sc. Z. Mađarić (1945 – 1980), prof.dr.sc. J. Martinčić (1961 – 1992), prof.dr.sc. M. Bede (1971 – 1993), prof.dr.sc. J. Kovačević (1975 – 1997), prof.dr.sc. G. Drezner, doc.dr.sc. A. Lalić, dr.sc. D. Novoselović, dr.sc. K. Dvojković, dr.sc. V. Španić, and dr.sc. I. Abičić. The work on the quality of wheat was done and is done by: Olga Kalea, dipl.inž., dr.sc. D. Hackenberger (1977 – 1994), and dr.sc. D. Horvat (2003 – 2016), K. Lutrov, dipl.inž, and for barley, dr.sc. G. Šimić.

As part of the work at the Department of Plant Breeding and Small Cereal Crop Genetics (former Department of Plant Breeding and Small Cereal Crop Seed Production and Processing), we created 148 varieties of winter wheat, 79 varieties of winter and 42 variey of spring barley recognised in Croatia, as well as 67 varieties of wheat and 38 varieties of barley recognised internationally. In the last 25 years, our wheat varieties have been planted on 35-63%, and barley varieties on 70% of the planting surfaces in Croatia, and a significant amount of planting surfaces abroad.

Based on the scientific and research work at the Department, we implemented and are implementing significant scientific projects; we completed and published numerous scientific and professional papers; written two books, one university textbook, several chapters in books, about ten dissertations, master, diploma, and final papers. The Department conducts international cooperation through professional visits, study visits, scientific training from the Institute funds, as well as through prestigious international scholarships (Fulbright, Go8 European, Ceepus, KWS Borlaug, and others), and active participation in international scientific meetings in the area of genetics, plant breeding, quality, and seed production and processing for small cereals.

Along with their regular work, the scientists from the Department have participated and/or are participating in teaching activities in the area of genetics, plant breeding, seed production and processing, and cereal production at the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, and the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology of the University of Mostar. The important segment in the transfer of acquired knowledge, achieved results, and the experience in breeding and production of small cereals are the lectures designed for family-run agricultural farms and the contact with the professional public through the media. The scientists from the Department received numerous awards and recognitions for their results achieved in scientific and research work and plant breeding (Ruđer Bošković, Nikola Tesla, City of Osijek, State Award for Science, for advancing production, for the best junior researcher in the Republic of Croatia…).

EPPN2020 projects. GC–MS based metabolic profiling identifies changes in the winter wheat seed following Fusarium treatment.
Financed by Horizon2020. (2021.).
Project leader: dr. sc. Valentina Španić

EU project: Response of winter wheat to biotic and abiotic stresses induced by climatic changes.
EU funds. (2019-2022).
Project leader: dr. sc. Valentina Španić

Bilateral project between Croatia and China. Improving resistance of wheat to abiotic and biotic stress. (2019-2021).
Project leader: dr.sc.Valentina Španić

Bilateral project between Croatia and Hungary. Genetic variability of winter wheat varieties based on Fusarium head blight resistance. (2019-2021).
Project leader: dr. sc. Valentina Španić

EPPN2020 projects: Analyses of the influence of leaf rust (Puccinia triticina Erikss.) on carbohydrate and antioxidant metabolism and phytohormones of wheat by combining multispectral imaging with physiological phenotyping.
Financed by Horizon2020. (2021, prolonged due to COVID).
Project leader: dr. sc. Valentina Španić

Genetic improvement and optimization of wheat yield potential GI OPTI WHEAT (HRZZ-IP-06-2016-2178)
Project leader: dr. sc. Dario Novoselović
Project duration: 01.03.2017.-28.02.2021.
Research project-Croatian Science Foundation

Measure: M10.2. Support to conservation of genetic resources in agriculture: Preservation, sustainable use and development of genetic resources in agriculture
National program of preservation and sustainable utilisation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture: 2017-2020
Participants from Department for Breeding and Genetcs of Small Grain Cereals:
Krešimir Dvojković, PhD – winter wheat; Alojzije Lalić, PhD – two and sir row winter and spring barley
Financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

Development of bread and durum wheat germplasm for family farms in Republic of Croatia (2016-14-65)
Project leader: dr. sc. Dario Novoselović
Project duration: 2016.-2018.
Research & Development project – Ministry of Agriculture – Council for Agricultural Research

Wheat breeding for resistance to fusarium head blight combined with mycotoxin analysis and antioxidant pathways (HRZZ-UIP-2014-9188)
Project leader: dr. sc. Valentina Španić
Project duration: 01.06.2015. – 31.05.2018.
Installation research project – Croatian Science Foundation

Development of production and utilisation of hulless barley in human nutrition, animal husbandry and malting (VIP-2015-13/39)
Project leader: doc. dr. sc. Alojzije Lalić
Project duration: 2015.-2017.
Research & Development project – Ministry of Agriculture – Council for Agricultural Research

New approach in wheat and barley breeding (0730718)
Programme leader: prof. dr. sc. Georg Drezner
Programme duration: 2007.-2014.
Scientific programme – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports

Development of new germplasm in breeding of quantitative traits of wheat (073-0730718-0598)
Project leader: prof. dr. sc. Georg Drezner
Project duration: 2007.-2014.
Scientific project – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (programme component)

Genotipization and development of malting and fodder barley germplasm (073-0730718-0550)
Project leader: doc. dr. sc. Alojzije Lalić
Project duration: 2007.-2014.
Scientific project – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (programme component)

Development of QTL by molecular markers for wheat quality traits (073-0730718-0536)
Project leader: dr. sc. Dario Novoselović
Project duration: 2007.-2014.
Scientific project – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (programme component)

Exchange of small grain cereals and maize germplasm resources between Croatia and Yellow river delta of China
Project leader in Croatia: dr. sc. Krešimir Dvojković
Project duration: 2013.-2015.
Bilateral scientific project – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports between Croatia and China

Genetic diversity of gluten proteins and their relation with wheat baking quality
Project leader in Croatia: dr.sc. Daniela Horvat
Project duration: 2011.-2013.
Bilateral scientific project – Ministry of Science, Education and Sports between Croatia and Serbia


Plavšin, I., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D. (2022) Genomska selekcija, u Molekularno oplemenjivanje bilja, Pejić, I., Šatović, Z. (ur.). Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet, 162-181. ISBN: 978-953-8276-40-8

Despotović, S., Pejin, J., Šarić, G., Šimić, G., Novak, M., Velić, N. (2022) Mogućnosti iskorištenja nusproizvoda indrustrija slada i piva, u Neke mogućnosti iskorištenja nusproizvoda prehrambene industrije, knjiga 4., Šubarić, D., Jozinović, A., Panjičko, M. (ur.). Osijek: Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet, Sveučilište u Osijeku, 183-218.

Novoselović, D., Dvojković, K., Vrandečić, K., Brkić-Bubola, K., Grljušić, S., Horvat, D., Drezner, G., Oplanić, M., Plavšin, I., Ivić, M., Lutrov, K. (2018) Razvoj germplazme krušne i durum pšenice za obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva u Republici Hrvatskoj, Osijek: Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, 2018. godine. CIP-141019000; ISBN 978-953-7843-08-3.

Lalić, A., Šimić, G., Abičić, I., Horvat, D., Dvojković, K., Andrić, L. (2018) Razvoj proizvodnje i upotrebe golozrnog ječma u ljudskoj prehrani, stočarstvu i sladarstvu, Osijek: Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, 2018. godine. CIP-140823020; ISBN 978-953-7843-06-9.

Španić, V. (2016): Wheat, T. Ledenčan (ur.). University textbook approved by the University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek on November 29, 2016, under number 2158-60-01-16-02. Osijek: Agricultural Institute Osijek.

Drezner, G. (2012): Oplemenjivanje pšenice u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek, u Oplemenjivanje poljoprivrednog bilja u Hrvatskoj, Kozumplik, V., Pejić, I. (ur.). Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, 48-51.

Kovačević, J., Lalić, A., Mlinar, R. (2012): Ječam, u Oplemenjivanje poljoprivrednog bilja u Hrvatskoj, Kozumplik, V., Pejić, I. (ur.). Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, 68-71.

Kovačević, J., Drezner, G., Brkić, I., Vratarić, M., Popović, S., Šimenić, J., Jurković, Z., Josipović, M., Špoljarić, J. (2003): „Poljoprivredni institut Osijek 1878.-2003“ – „The Agricultural Institute Osijek 1878-2003“. Poljoprivredni institut Osijek.

Kurtanjek, Ž., Horvat, D., Jurković, Z., Drezner, G., Sudar, R., Magdić, D. (2003): Validation of Chemometric Analysis of Osijek Wheat Cultivars. Food, Kniewald, Z.(ur.). Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 185-193.

Kovačević, J., Lalić, A. (2000). Ječam, u Agronomi – sudionici i svjedoci vremena: Pola stoljeća Društva agronoma, Živaković-Kerže, Zlata (ur.). Osijek: Društvo agronoma, 119-121.



Dvojković, K., Plavšin, I., Novoselović, D., Šimić, G., Lalić, A., Čupić, T., Horvat D., Viljevac Vuletić, M. (2023): Early antioxidative response to desiccant- stimulated drought stress in field-grown traditional wheat varietiesPlants, 12, 2; 249, 20 doi:10.3390/plants12020249

Duvnjak, J., Lončarić, A., Brkljačić, L., Šamec, D., Šarčević, H., Salopek-Sondi, B., Španić, V. (2023): Morpho-Physiological and Hormonal Response of Winter Wheat Varieties to Drought Stress at Stem Elongation and Anthesis StagesPlants, 12, 3; 1-21 doi:10.3390/plants12030418

Španić, V., Šunić, K., Duvnjak, J., Babić, J., Drezner, G. (2023): Winter Wheat Grain Yield Response to Fungicide Application at Different Stages and Fusarium Head Blight is Rather Influenced by Variety and Year. Romanian agricultural research, 40, 1-13

Nakov, G., Jukić, M., Šimić, G., Šumanovac, F., Koceva Komlenić, D., Lukinac, J. (2022): Effect of the Addition of Hulless Barley Flour on the Quality of Short-Dough CookiesFoods, 11, 16; 2428, 12 doi:10.3390/foods11162428

Matić, M., Vuković, R., Vrandečić, K., Štolfa Čamagajevac, I., Ćosić, J., Vuković, A., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D. (2022): Defense response to fusarium infection in winter wheat varieties, varying in FHB susceptibility, grown under different nitrogen levelsAgronomy, 12, 8; 1746, 17 doi:10.3390/agronomy12081746

Vuković, R., Štolfa Čamagajevac, I., Vuković, A., Šunić, K., Begović, L., Mlinarić, S., Sekulić, R., Sabo, N., Španić, V. (2022): Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular Response of Different Winter Wheat Varieties under Drought Stress at Germination and Seedling Growth StageAntioxidants, 11, 4; 1-26 doi:10.3390/antiox11040693

Kondić-Špika, A., Mikić, S., Mirosavljević, M., Trkulja, D., Marjanović Jeromela, A., Rajković, D., Radanović, A., Cvejić, S., Glogovac, S., Dodig, D., Božinović, S., Šatović, Z., Lazarević, B., Šimić, D., Novoselović, D., Vass, I., Pauk, J., Miladinović, D. (2022): Crop Breeding For Changing Climate In The Pannonian Region – Towards Integration Of Modern Phenotyping ToolsJournal of Experimental Botany, 73, 15; 5089-5110 doi:10.1093/jxb/erac181

Jozinović, A., Šimić, G., Grec, M., Ačkar, Đ., Babić, J., Drezner, G., Kajić, N., Šubarić, D. (2022): Influence of Extrusion on Functional Properties of Flour from Selected Wheat and Barley Cultivars Grown in Croatia. Poljoprivreda, 28, 1; 39-45 doi:10.18047/poljo.28.1.6

Plavšin, I., Gunjača, J., Galić, V., Novoselović, D. (2022): Evaluation of Genomic Selection Methods for Wheat Quality Traits in Biparental Populations Indicates Inclination towards Parsimonious Solutions. Agronomy, 12, 5; 1126, 20 doi:10.3390/agronomy12051126

Peršić, V., Ament, A., Antunović Dunić, J., Drezner, G., Cesar, V. (2022): PEG-induced physiological drought for screening winter wheat genotypes sensitivity – integrated biochemical and chlorophyll a fluorescence analysisFrontiers in plant science, 13, 1-21 doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.987702

Horvat, D., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D., Tucak, M., Andrić, L., Magdić, D., Drezner, G. (2022): Response of Wheat Yield and Protein-Related Quality on Late-Season Urea Application. Agronomy, 12, 4; 886, 12 doi:10.3390/agronomy12040886

Španić, V., Šunić, K., Zdunić, Z., Drezner, G. (2021): Genetic Ability and Seedling Drought Characterization of Winter Wheat Lines in Croatia. Agronomski glasnik, 83, 5-6; 281-294


Šunić, K., Kovač, T., Lončarić, A., Babić, J., Sulyok, M., Krska, R., Drezner, G., Španić, V. (2021) Fusarium Secondary Metabolite Content in Naturally Produced and Artificially Provoked FHB Pressure in Winter Wheat. Agronomy, 11, 2239, 19 doi:10.3390/agronomy11112239

Španić, V., Dvojković, K., Babić, J., Drezner, G., Zdunić, Z. (2021) Fusarium Head Blight Infestation in Relation to Winter Wheat End-Use Quality—A Three-Year Study. Agronomy, 11, 8; 1648, 17 doi:10.3390/agronomy11081648

Španić, V., Mlinarić, S., Zdunić, Z., Katanić, Z. (2021) Field Study of the Effects of Two Different Environmental Conditions on Wheat Productivity and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction (OJIP) Parameters. Agriculture, 11, 1-15 doi:10.3390/ agriculture11111154

Katanić, Z., Mlinarić, S., Katanić, N., Ćosić, J., Španić, V. (2021) Photosynthetic Efficiency in Flag Leaves and Ears of Winter Wheat during Fusarium Head Blight Infection. Agronomy, 11, 12; 1-22 doi:10.3390/agronomy11122415

Šunić, K., Kovač, T., Lončarić, A., Babić, J., Sulyok, M., Krska, R., Drezner, G., Španić, V. (2021) Fusarium Secondary Metabolite Content in Naturally Produced and Artificially Provoked FHB Pressure in Winter Wheat. Agronomy, 11, 2239, 19 doi:10.3390/agronomy11112239

Španić, V., Dvojković, K., Babić, J., Drezner, G., Zdunić, Z. (2021) Fusarium Head Blight Infestation in Relation to Winter Wheat End-Use Quality—A Three-Year Study. Agronomy, 11, 8; 1648, 17 doi:10.3390/agronomy11081648

Španić, V., Mlinarić, S., Zdunić, Z., Katanić, Z. (2021) Field Study of the Effects of Two Different Environmental Conditions on Wheat Productivity and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction (OJIP) Parameters. Agriculture, 11, 1-15 doi:10.3390/ agriculture11111154

Katanić, Z., Mlinarić, S., Katanić, N., Ćosić, J., Španić, V. (2021) Photosynthetic Efficiency in Flag Leaves and Ears of Winter Wheat during Fusarium Head Blight Infection. Agronomy, 11, 12; 1-22 doi:10.3390/agronomy11122415

Plavšin, I., Gunjača, J., Šatović, Z., Šarčević, H., Ivić, M., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D. (2021): An Overview of Key Factors Affecting Genomic Selection for Wheat Quality Traits. Plants, 10, 4; 745, 14. doi:10.3390/plants10040745

Matić, M., Vuković, R., Vrandečić, K., Štolfa Čamagajevac, I., Ćosić, J., Vuković, A., Sabljić, K., Sabo, N., Dvojković, K., Novoselović, D. (2021): Oxidative Status and Antioxidative Response to Fusarium Attack and Different Nitrogen Levels in Winter Wheat Varieties. Plants, 10, 611. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10040611

Adams, T.M., Olsson, T.S.G., Ramírez-González, R.H., Bryant, R., Bryson, R., Campos, P.E., Fenwick, P., Feuerhelm, D., Hayes, V., Henriksson, T., Hubbard, A., Jevtić, R., Judge, C., Kerton, M., Lage, J., Lewis, C.M., Lilly, C., Meidan, U., Novoselović, D., Patrick, C., Wanyera, R., and Saunders, D.G.O. (2021): Rust expression browser: an open source database for simultaneous analysis of host and pathogen gene expression profiles with expVIP. BMC Genomics 22, 166. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-021-07488-3

Horvat, D., Šimić, G., Dvojković, K., Ivić, M., Plavšin, I., Novoselović, D. (2021): Gluten Protein Compositional Changes in Response to Nitrogen Application Rate. Agronomy, 11, 2; 325, 12. doi:10.3390/agronomy11020325

Šimić, G., Lalić, A., Horvat, D., Zdunić, Z., Koceva Komlenić, D., Bucić-Kojić, A., Planinić, M., Tišma, M. (2021): Production and analysis of the flour from the hull-less barley.Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, X, 1-9. doi:10.1007/s11694-021-00857-2

Španić, V., Ćosić, J., Zdunić, Z., Drezner, G. (2021): Characterization of Agronomical and Quality Traits of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for Fusarium Head Blight Pressure in Different Environments. Agronomy, 11, 213, 15. doi:org/10.3390/agronomy11020213

Habschied, K., Lalić, A., Krstanović, V., Dvojković, K., Abičić, I., Šimić, G., Mastanjević, K. (2021): Comprehensive Comparative Study of the Malting Qualities of Winter Hull-Less and Hulled Barley (2016–2019). Fermentation, 7, 1; 8, 14. doi.org/10.3390/fermentation7010008

Krstanović, V., Habschied, K., Dvojković, K., Mastanjević, K. (2021): Research on the Malting Properties of Domestic Wheat Varities. Fermentation, 7, 1; 1, 10 doi:10.3390/fermentation7010001
Španić, V., Zdunić, Z., Viljevac Vuletić, M. (2020): Comparative changes in the physiological traits in the flag leaf of two senescing varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Acta physiologiae plantarum, 42, 108, 12. doi:10.1007/s11738-020-03096-y

Habschied, K., Lalić, A., Horvat, D., Mastanjević, K., Lukinac, J., Jukić, M., Krstanović, V. (2020): β-Glucan Degradation During Malting of Different Purpose Barley Varieties. Fermentation, 6, 1; 21, 9. doi:10.3390/fermentation6010021

Horvat, D., Šimić, G., Drezner, G., Lalić, A., Ledenčan, T., Tucak, M., Plavšić, H., Andrić, L., Zdunić, Z. (2020): Phenolic Acids Profiles and Antioxidant Activity of Major Cereal Crops. Antioxidants, 9, 6; 527, 12. doi:10.3390/antiox9060527

Španić, V., Katanić, Z., Sulyok, M., Krska, R., Puskas, K., Vida, G., Drezner, G., Šarkanj, B. (2020): Multiple fungal metabolites including mycotoxin formation in naturally infected and Fusarium inoculated wheat samples. Microorganisms, 8, 578, 17. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8040578

Begović, L., Galić, V., Abičić, I., Lončarić, Z., Lalić, A., Mlinarić, S. (2020): Implications of intra-seasonal climate variations on chlorophyll a fluorescence and biomass in winter barley breeding program. Photosynthetica, 58, 4; 995-1008. doi:10.32615/ps.2020.053

Španić, V., Zdunić, Z., Drezner, G., Viljevac Vuletić, M. (2020): Differences in physiological traits at the initial stage of Fusarium head blight infection in wheat. Biologia plantarum, 64, 185-192. doi:10.32615/bp.2020.014

Matić, M., Baličević, R., Novoselović, D., Ćosić, J., Vrandečić, K. (2020): Integrirana zaštita pšenice u suzbijanju fitopatogene gljive Fusarium graminearum. Poljoprivreda, 26, 1; 3-9. doi:10.18047/poljo.26.1.1

Mirosavljević, M., Momčilović, V., Mikić, S., Abičić, I., Pržulj, N. (2020): Breeding progress in grain filling and grain yield components of six-rowed winter barley. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 107, 3; 271-278. doi:10.13080/z-a.2020.107.035

strong>Španić, V., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Horvat, D., Šarkanj, B., Drezner, G., Zdunić, Z. (2020): Changes in Antioxidant System during Grain Development of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Relationship with Protein Composition under FHB Stress. Pathogens, 9, 1-15. doi:10.3390/pathogens9010017

Viljevac Vuletić, M., Španić, V. (2020): Characterization of photosynthetic performance during natural leaf senescence in winter wheat: Multivariate analysis as a tool for phenotypic characterization. Photosynthetica, 58, 301-313. doi:10.32615/ps.2019.162

Mirosavljević, M., Momčilović, V., Mikić, S., Trkulja, D., Brbaklić, Lj., Zorić M., Abičić, I. (2020): Changes in stay-green and nitrogen use efficiency traits in historical set of winter barley cultivars. Field crops research, 249,107740, 10. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107740

Viljevac-Vuletić, M., Marček, T., Španić, V. (2019): Photosynthetic and antioxidative strategies of flag leaf maturation and its impact to grain yield of two field-grown wheat varieties. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 31(3), 387-399.

Mirosavljević, M., Momčilović, V., Mikić, S., Brbaklić, Lj., Trkulja, D., Abičić, I. (2019): Changes in leaf appearance and developmental phases associated with breeding progress in six-rowed barley in the Pannonian Plain. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 19, 300-308. doi:10.1590/1984-70332019v19n3a42


Španić, V., Horvat, D., Drezner, G., Zdunić, Z. (2019): Changes in Protein Composition in the Grain and Malt after Fusarium Infection Dependently of Wheat Resistance. Pathogens, 8(3):112.

Habschied, K., August, H., Mastanjević, K., Šimić, G., Lalić, A., Krstanović, V. (2019): Technological Quality of New Croatian Barley Varieties Intended for Whisky Malt Production. Current research in nutrition and food science, 7, 3; 783-790. doi:10.12944/CRNFSJ.7.3.17

Šimić, G., Horvat, D., Lalić, A., Koceva Komlenić, D., Abičić, I., Zdunić, Z. (2019): Distribution of β-Glucan, Phenolic Acids, and Proteins as Functional Phytonutrients of Hull-Less Barley Grain. Foods, 8, 12; 680, 16. doi:10.3390/foods8120680

Habschied, K., Krska, R., Sulyok, M., Šarkanj, B., Krstanović, V., Lalić, A., Šimić, G., Mastanjević, K. (2019): Screening of Various Metabolites in Six Barley Varieties Grown under Natural Climatic Conditions (2016–2018). Microorganisms, 7, 11; 532, 7. doi:10.3390/microorganisms7110532

Španić, V., Zdunić, Z., Drezner, G., Šarkanj, B. (2019): The Pressure of Fusarium Disease and Its Relation with Mycotoxins in The Wheat Grain and Malt. Toxins, 11(4):198.

Begović, L., Abičić, I., Lalić, A., Lepeduš, H., Cesar, V., Leljak-Levanić, D. (2018): Lignin synthesis and accumulation in barley cultivars differing in their resistance to lodging. Plant physiology and biochemistry, 133, 1; 142-148. doi:10.1016/j.plaphy.2018.10.036

Španić, V., Marček, T., Abičić, I., Šarkanj B. (2018): Effects of Fusarium Head Blight on Wheat Grain and Malt Infected by Fusarium culmorum. Toxins, 10(1):17.

Mastanjević, K., Španić, V., Horvat, D., Mastanjević, K., Šarkanj, B., Krstanović, V., Šantek, B. (2018): Establishing the impact of Fusarium culmorum infection and fungicide treatment on wheat malt quality. Journal of food processing and preservation. 42, 10; 1-9

Marček, T., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Bakula, I., Alivojvodić, S., Španić, V. (2018): Time-course experiment of Fusarium infestation of wheat genotypes with the emphasis on thephysiological response. Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology. 10, 1; 58-63

Kovačević, J., Mazur, M., Drezner, G., Lalić, A., Sudarić, A., Dvojković, K., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Josipović, M., Josipović, A., Markulj Kulundžić, A., Lepeduš, H. (2017): Photosynthetic efficiency parameters as indicators of agronomic traits of winter wheat cultivars in different soil water conditions. Genetika-Belgrade, 49, 3; 891-910. doi:10.2298/GENSR1703891K

Lidija, B., Lepeduš, H., Lalić, A., Štolfa, I., Jurković, Z., Kovačević, J., Cesar, V. (2017): Involvement of peroxidases in structural changes of barley stem. Bragantia, 76, 3; 352-359. doi:10.1590/1678-4499.155

Španić, V., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Abičić, I., Marček, T. (2017): Early response of wheat antioxidant system with special reference to Fusarium head blight stress. Plant physiology and biochemistry. 115; 34-43.

Novoselović, D., Šimek, R., Dvojković, K., Lalić, A., Drezner, G. (2017): Povijesni pregled proizvodnje pšenice u Republici Hrvatskoj.Sjemenarstvo, 30, 1-2; 55-64.

Šimić, G., Horvat, D., Dvojković, K., Abičić, I., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Tucak, M., Lalić, A. (2017): Evaluation of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of malting and hulless barley grain and malt extracts.Czech journal of food sciences, 35, 1;73-78. doi:10.17221/144/2016-CJFS

Španić, V., Viljevac-Vuletić, M., Drezner, G., Zdunić, Z., Horvat, D. (2017): Performance Indices in Wheat Chlorophyll a Fluorescence and Protein Quality Influenced by FHB. Pathogens. 6,4.

Torbica, A., Horvat, D., Živančev, D., Belović, M., Šimić, G., Magdić, D., Đukić, N., Dvojković, K. (2017): Prediction of the genetic similarity of wheat and wheat quality by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and lab-on-chip methods. Acta alimentaria, 46, 2; 137-144. doi:10.1556/066.2016.0003

Španić, V., Horvat, D., Lutrov, K., Tucak, M., Drezner, G. (2017): Quality charasteristics of some winter wheat varieties in 2014/2015. Agronomski glasnik. 78, 5-6; 271-280.

Mastanjević, K., Lenart, L., Šimić, G., Lalić, A., Krstanović, V. (2017): Malting quality indicators of Croatian dual-purpose barley varieties. Croatian journal of food science and technology, 9, 2; 145-151. doi:10.17508/CJFST.2017.9.2.09

Španić, V., Ižaković, M., Marček, T. (2017): Wheat germination and seedlings under peg-induced conditons. Agronomski glasnik. 79, 3; 99-109.

Lalić, A., Goreta Ban, S., Perica, S., Novoselović, D., Abičić, I., Kovačević, J., Šimić, G., Guberac, V. (2017): The effect of water stress on some traits of winter barley cultivars during early stages of plant growth. Poljoprivreda, 23,1; 22-27. doi:10.18047/poljo.23.1.4.

Španić, V., Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Horvat, D. (2016) Traits of 25 winter wheat varieties grown in Croatia in the last 100 years. Agronomski glasnik. 78, 1; 3-16.

Novoselović, D., Bentley, A.R., Šimek, R., Dvojković, K., Sorrells, M.E., Gosman, N., Horsnell, R., Drezner, G., Šatović, Z. (2016): Characterizing Croatian Wheat Germplasm Diversity and Structure in a European Context by DArT Markers. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7; 184, 1-12.

Španić, V., Korzun, V., Ebmeyer, E. (2016): Assessing genetic diversity of wheat genotypes from different origins by SNP markers. Cereal Research Communications. 44 (3); 361-369.

Krstanović, V., Lalić, A., Kosović, I.,Velić, N., Mastanjević, K., Mastanjević, K. (2016): A survey of total β-glucan content in Croatian barley varieties. Cereal Research Communications. 44 (4); 650-657.

Šimić, G., Lalić, A., Horvat, D., Abičić, I., Beraković, I. (2015): β-glucan content and β-glucanase activity of winter and spring malting barley cultivars. Acta Alimentaria. 44 (4); 542-548.

Horvat, D., Španić, V., Dvojković, K., Šimić, G., Magdić, D., Nevistić, A. (2015): The Influence of Fusarium Infection on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Proteins Distribution and Baking Quality. Cereal Research Communications. 43 (1); 61-71.

Španić, V., Rouse, M.N., Kolmer, J.A., Anderson, J.A. (2015): Leaf and stem seedling rust resistance in wheat cultivars grown in Croatia. Euphytica. 203 (2); 437-448.

Vrandečić, K., Ćosić, J., Novoselović, D., Stanković, I., Vućurović, A., Krstić, B., Bulajić, A. (2015): First Report of Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus on Wheat in Croatia. Plant Disease. 99 (6); 896-897.

Horvat, D., Drezner, G., Sudar, R., Šimić, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V., Magdić, D. (2015): Distribution of Wheat Protein Components Under Different Genetic Backgrounds and Environments. Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 20 (2); 150-154.

Antunović Dunić, J., Lepeduš, H., Šimić, D., Lalić, A., Mlinarić, S., Kovačević, J., Cesar, V. (2015): Physiological response to different irradiation regimes during barley seedlings growth followed by drought stress under non-photoinhibitory light. Journal of Agricultural Science. 7 (6); 69-83.

Kovačević, J., Mazur, M., Lalić, A., Josipović, M., Josipović, A., Matoša Kočar, M., Marković, M., Antunović, J., Cesar, V. (2015) Photosynthetic performance index in early stage of growth, water use efficiency, and grain yield of winter barley cultivars. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. 75 (3); 275-283.

Krstanović, V., Mastanjević, K., Velić, N., Pleadin, J., Perši, N., Španić, V. (2015): The influence of Fusarium culmorum contamination level on deoxynivalenol content in wheat, malt and beer. Romanian Biotechnological Letters. 20 (5); 10901-10910.

Živančev, D., Horvat, D., Torbica, A., Belović, M., Šimić, G., Magdić, D., Đukić, N. (2015): Benefits and Limitations of Lab-on-a-Chip Method over Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Method in Gluten Proteins Evaluation. Journal of Chemistry. 2015 (2015); 9p.

Mastilović, J., Horvat, D., Živančev, D., Torbica, A., Kevrešan, Ž., Đukić, N., Magdić, D., Šimić, G. (2014): Analysis of Interrelations Between Wheat Protein Fractions Composition and its Technological Quality With Combined Multivariate and Univariate Statistics. Hemijska industrija. 68 (3); 321-329.

Gantner, R., Čupić, T., Stjepanović, M., Drezner, G., Bukvić, G. (2014): Assessing combining abilities and breeding value of dry pea genotypes. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 20 (2); 376-380.

Ćosić, J., Vrandečić, K., Jurković, D., Novoselović, D., Radan, Z., Kišpal, H., Gašpar, A., Ćuk, S. (2015): Razlozi epifitocije žute hrđe u 2014. godini u Slavoniji i Baranji. Glasilo biljne zaštite. 15, 6; 426-430.

Španić, V., Lemmens, M., Drezner, G., Mesterházy, Á. (2013): Variability of components of fusarium head blight resistance among wheat genotypes. Cereal Research Communications. 41 (3); 420-430.

Jones, H.;…; Novoselović, D., Šimek, R.;…; Kondić-Spika, A., Brbaklić, L.;…; Greenland, A. (2013): Strategy for exploiting exotic germplasm using genetic, morphological, and environmental diversity: the Aegilops tauschii Coss. example. Theoretical And Applied Genetics. 126 (7); 1793-1808.

Horvat, D., Đukić, N., Magdić, D., Mastilović, J., Šimić, G., Torbica, A., Živančev, D. (2013): Characterization of bread wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) by glutenin proteins. Cereal Research Communications. 41 (1), 133-140.

Kovačević, J., Kovačević, M., Cesar, V., Drezner, G., Lalić, A., Lepeduš, H., Zdunić, Z., Jurković, Z., Dvojković, K., Katanić, Z., Kovačević, V. (2013): Photosynthetic efficiency and quantitative reaction of bread winter wheat to mild short-term drought conditions. Turkish Journal Of Agriculture And Forestry. 37, 385-393.

Kurtanjek, Ž., Horvat, D., Drezner, G., Magdić, D. (2013): Prediction of wheat baking quality based on gliadin fractions and HMW-GS data by chemometric analysis (PLS modelling). Acta Alimentaria. 42 (4), 609-617.

Španić, V., Drezner, G., Horvat, D., Dvojković, K. (2013): Stability of Quality Parameters of Winter Wheat in Different Environmental Conditions. Agronomski glasnik. 75 (2); 77-85.

Abičić, I., Lalić, A., Šimić, G., Šimon, S., Pejić, I. (2013): SSR Profile Survey of Winter and Spring Barley Compared to Malt Quality Data. The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture. 2 (2013); 343-347.

Šimek, R., Novoselović, D. (2012): The use of reverse genetics approach in plant genomics. Poljoprivreda. 18 (1); 14-18.

Novoselović, D., Šimek, R., Dvojković, K., Drezner, G. (2012): Procjena fenotipskih i genetskih korelacija za svojstva kvalitete u populaciji pšenice. Poljoprivreda. 18 (1); 8-13.

Horvat, D., Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Šimić, G., Magdić, D., Španić, V. (2012): End-use quality of wheat cultivars in different environments. Sjemenarstvo. 29 (1-2); 5-13.

Petrović, S., Marić, S., Čupić, T., Drezner, G., Karsai, I. (2012): Assessment of genetic diversity in Croatian winter wheat varieties using SSR and AFLP markers. Poljoprivreda /Agriculture. 18 (2); 18-24.

Španić, V., Buerstmayr, H., Drezner, G. (2012): Assessment of genetic diversity of wheat genotypes using microsatellite markers. (2012.): Periodicum Biologorum. 114 (1); 37-42.

Horvat, D., Drezner, G., Sudar, R., Magdić, D., Španić, V. (2012): Baking Quality Parameters of Wheat in Relation to Endosperm Storage Proteins. Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology. 4 (1); 19-25.

Španić, V., Drezner, G. (2012): Heading date impact on wheat fusarium infection. Sjemenarstvo. 29 (3-4); 103-109.

Španić, V., Drezner, G., Horvat, D. (2012): Changes of Agronomic and Quality Traits in Fusarium-inoculated Wheat Genotypes. Croatian Journal of Food Technology, Biotechnology and Nutrition. 7 (1-2); 85-89.

Španić, V., Lemmens, M., Drezner, G., Dvojković, K. (2011): Interrelations between height of winter wheat genotypes and resistance to fusarium head blight (FHB). Romanian Agricultural Research. 28, 43-48.

Šubarić, D., Babić, J., Lalić, A., Ačkar, Đ., Kopjar, M. (2011): Isolation and Characterisation of Starch from Different Barley and Oat Varieties. Czech Journal Of Food Sciences. 29 (4); 354-360.

Mikić, B., Stipešević, B., Raspudić, E., Drezner, G., Brozović, B. (2011): Influence of soil tillage and weed suppression on winter wheat yield. Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 56 (2); 111-120.

Španić, V., Drezner, G. (2011): Utjecaj umjetne zaraze Fusariumom na agronomska svojstva pšenice. Glasnik zaštite bilja. 4; 60-64.

Kovačević, J., Kovačević, M., Cesar, V., Lalić, A., Lepeduš, H., Dvojković, K., Abičić, I., Katanić, Z., Antunović, J., Kovačević, V. (2011): Photosynthetic efficiency in juvenile stage and winter barley breeding for improved grain yield and stability. Poljoprivreda. 17 (1); 28-35.

Španić, V., Drezner, G. (2011): Važnost fungicida Prosaro u zaštiti protiv fuzarijske paleži klasa (FHB) pšenice. Agronomski glasnik. 73 (1/2); 17-26.

Španić, V., Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Horvat D. (2011): Reakcija genotipova ozime pšenice na različite okolinske uvjete. Sjemenarstvo. 28 (1-2); 5-15.

Španić, V., Lemmens, M., Drezner, G., Dvojković, K. (2011): Interrelations between height of winter wheat genotypes and resistance to fusarium head blight (FHB). Romanian Agricultural Research. 28 (2011); 43-48.

Drezner, G., Gunjača, J., Novoselović, D., Horvat, D. (2010): Interpretation of GEI Effect Analysis for Some Agronomic and Quality Traits in Ten Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars. Cereal Research Communications. 38 (2); 259-265.

Španić, V., Lemmens, M., Drezner, G. (2010): Morphological and molecular identification of Fusarium species associated with head blight on wheat in East Croatia. European Journal Of Plant Pathology. 128 (4); 511-516.

Rastija, M., Šimić, D., Lalić, A. (2010): Impacts of liming with dolomite on maize, wheat and barley yields. Novenytermeles. 59, (Suppl.2); 65-68.

Dvojković, K., Drezner, G., Novoselović, D., Lalić, A., Kovačević, J., Babić, D., Barić, M. (2010): Estimation of some genetic parameters through generation mean analysis in two winter wheat crosses. Periodicum Biologorum. 112 (3); 247-251.

Dvojković, K., Šatović, Z., Drezner, G., Somers, J.D., Lalić, A., Novoselović, D., Horvat, D., Marić, S., Šarčević, H. (2010): Allelic Variability of Croatian Wheat Cultivars at the Microsatellite locus Xgwm261. Poljoprivreda. 16 (1); 32-37.

Lalić, A., Novoselović, D., Kovačević, J., Drezner, G., Babić, D., Abičić, I., Dvojković, K. (2010): Genetic gain and selection criteria effects on yield and yield components in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Periodicum Biologorum. 112 (3); 311-316.

Španić, V., Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Marić, S., Ćosić, J. (2010): Procjena količine deoksinivalenola (DON-a) u genotipovima pšenice. Glasnik zaštite bilja. 6 (2010); 56-60.

Lalić, A., Šimić, G., Kovačević, J., Novoselović, D., Horvat, D., Abičić, I., Lenart, L., Mijaković, R., Ugarčić-Hardi, Ž. (2010): Analysis of grain yield and cytolytic degradation of winter and spring barley cultivars under growing conditions in the Republic of Croatia. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 38 (1); 88-91.

Horvat, D., Drezner, G., Magdić, D., Šimić, G., Dvojković, K., Lukinac, J. (2009): Effect of an oxidizing improver on dough rheological properties and bread crumb structure in winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) with different gluten strength. Romanian Agricultural Research. 26, 35-40.

Horvat, D., Kurtanjek, Ž., Drezner, G., Šimić, G., Magdić, D. (2009): Effect of HMM Glutenin Subunits on Wheat Quality Attributes. Food Technology and Biotechnology. 47 (3); 253-259.

Kovačević, V., Stojić, B., Rastija, M., Brkić, I., Drezner, G. (2009): Response of maize, wheat and barley to phosphorus and potassium fertilization. Cereal Research Communications. 37 (S1); 129-132.

Lalić, A., Kovačević, J., Šimić, G., Novoselović, D., Abičić, I., Lenart, L., Guberac, V. (2009): Sadržaj bjelančevina i urod zrna jarog ječma obzirom na sinergiju genotipa i okoliša u Republici Hrvatskoj. Sjemenarstvo. 26 (1-2); 5-16.

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