The Agricultural Institute Osijek scientists from Department of Small Cereal Crops – dr. sc. Gordana Šimić, dr. sc. Krešimir Dvojković, dr. sc. Ivan Abičić, doc. dr. sc. Alojzije Lalić in colaboration with colleagues from Agrochemical department – dr. sc. Daniela Horvat and dr. sc. Marija Viljevac Vuletić and Department of Department for Forage Crops – dr. sc. Marijana Tucak, published scientific article in Czech Journal of Food Sciences (Journal ISSN:1212-1800, Impact Factor (2015)=0.728; 5-year IF (2015)=1.092).

Šimić, G., Horvat, D., Dvojković, K., Abičić, I., Viljevac-Vuletić, M., Tucak, M., Lalić, A.
Evaluation of Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Malting and Hulless Barley Grain and Malt Extracts. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 35 (2017): 73-78; doi: 10.17221/144/2016-CJFS
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