Viljevac Vuletić, M., Španić, V. (2020): “Characterization of photosynthetic performance during natural leaf senescence in winter wheat: Multivariate analysis as a tool for phenotypic characterization“, Photosynthetica, 58(2): 301-313.
Španić, V., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Horvat, D., Šarkanj, B., Drezner, G., Zdunić, Z. (2020): “Changes in antioxidant system during grain development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and relationship with protein composition under FHB stress“, Pathogens, 9(1): 17.
Španić, V., Zdunić, Z., Drezner, G., Viljevac Vuletić, M. (2020): “Differences in physiological traits at the initial stage of Fusarium head blight infection in wheat“, Biologia plantarum, 64: 185-192.
Mihaljević, I., Lepeduš, H., Šimić, D., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Tomaš, V., Vuković, D., Dugalić, K., Teklić, T., Skendrović Babojelić, M., Zdunić, Z. (2020): “Photochemical efficiency of photosystem II in two apple cultivars affected by elevated temperature and excess light in vivo“, South African journal of botany, 130: 316-326.
Španić, V., Zdunić, Z., Viljevac Vuletić, M. (2020): “Comparative changes in the physiological traits in the flag leaf of two senescing varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)“, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 42(7): 108.
Horvat, D., Tucak, M., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Čupić, T., Krizmanić, G., Kovačević Babić, M. (2020): “Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of the Croatian red clover germplasm collection“, Poljoprivreda (Osijek), 26(2): 3-10.
Tucak, M., Popović, S., Horvat, D., Čupić, T., Krizmanić, G., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Ravlić, M. (2019): “The characterization of isoflavone content in the Croatian red clover collection“, Poljoprivreda (Osijek), 25(1): 3-11.
Viljevac Vuletić, M., Marček, T., Španić, V. (2019): “Photosynthetic and antioxidative strategies of flag leaf maturation and its impact to grain yield of two field-grown wheat varieties“, Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 31: 387-399.
Španić, V., Horvat, D., Drezner, G., Zdunić, Z. (2019): “Changes in protein composition in the grain and malt after Fusarium infection dependently of wheat resistance“, Pathogens, 8(3),112.
Marček, T., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Bakula, I., Alivojvodić, S., Španić, V. (2018): “Time-course experiment of Fusarium infestation of wheat genotypes with the emphasis on the physiological response”, Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 10(1), 58-63.
Španić, V., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Abičić, I., Marček, T. (2017): „Early response of wheat antioxidant system with special reference to Fusarium head blight stress“, Plant physiology and biochemistry, 115, 34-43.
Šimić, G., Horvat, D., Dvojković, K., Abičić, I., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Tucak, M., Lalić, A. (2017): „Evaluation of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of malting and hulless barley grain and malt extracts“, Czech journal of food sciences, 35 (1), 73-78.
Markulj Kulundžić, A., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Matoša Kočar, M., Mijić, A., Liović, I., Sudarić, A., Lepeduš, H., Kovačević, J., Josipović, A. (2016): “Effect of different soil water content effect on genotype expession in photosynthetic efficiency and leaf temperature in sunflower“, Genetika-Belgrade, 48 (3), 971–982.
Horvat, D., Španić, V., Dvojković, K., Šimić, G., Magdić, D., Nevistić, A. (2015): „The Influence of Fusarium Infection on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Proteins Distribution and Baking Quality“, Cereal Research Communications, 43 (1), 61-71.
Horvat, D., Drezner, G., Sudar, R., Šimić, G., Dvojković, K., Španić, V., Magdić, D. (2015): „Distribution Of Wheat Protein Components Under Different Genetic Backgrounds And Environments“, Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 20 (2), 150-154.
Živančev, D., Horvat, D.,Torbica, A., Belović, M., Šimić, G., Magdić, D., Đukić, N. (2015): „Benefits and Limitations of Lab-on-a-Chip Method over Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Method in Gluten Proteins Evaluation“, Journal of chemistry, 9 pages.
Dugalić, K., Sudar, R., Viljevac, M., Josipović, M., Čupić, T. (2014): „Sorbitol and sugar composition in plum fruits influenced by climatic conditions”, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 16, 1145-1155.
Markulj, A., Viljevac Vuletić, M., Kovačević, J., Josipović, A., Liović, I., Mijić, A., Sudarić, A., Matoša Kočar, M. (2014): „Water deficiency effects on photosynthetic performance in leaves of sunflower plants at developmental stage of butonisation“, Proceedings of the 7th international scientific/professional conference “Agriculture in nature and environment protection”, Vukovar, Baban, M., Đurđević, B. (eds.), Glas Slavonije d.d., Osijek, 191-195.
Jokić, S., Sudar, R., Svilović, S., Vidović, S., Bilić, M., Velić, D., Jurković, V. (2013): „Fatty acid composition of the oil obtained from soybeans by extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide“, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 31 (2), 116-125.
Viljevac, M., Dugalić, K., Mihaljević, I., Šimić, D., Sudar, R., Jurković, Z., Lepeduš, H. (2013): „Chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency and genetic markers in two sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) genotypes under drought stress”, Acta Botanica Croatica, 72 (2), 221-235.
Sudar, R., Sudarić, A., Josipović, M., Viljevac, M. (2013): “Oil and Triacylglycerols Composition of Soybean Lines”, The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, 37 (2), 541-546.
Španić, V., Viljevac, M., Drezner, G., Lepeduš, H. (2013): “Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and grain yield of winter wheat genotypes” Proceedings of the 48th Croatian and 8th International Symposium on Agriculture, Dubrovnik, Marić, S., Lončarić, Z. (eds.), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, Osijek, 323-327.
Viljevac, M., Dugalić, K., Jurković, V., Mihaljević, I., Tomaš, V., Sudar, R., Čmelik, Z., Jurković, Z. (2013): “Several pomological and chemical fruit properties of introduced sweet cherry cultivars in agroecological conditions of Eastern Slavonia” Proceedings of the 48th Croatian and 8th International Symposium on Agriculture, Dubrovnik, Marić, S., Lončarić, Z. (eds.), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, Osijek, 860-864.
Horvat, D., Drezner, G., Dvojković, K., Šimić, G., Magdić, D., Španić, V. (2012): „End-use quality of wheat cultivars in different environments“, Sjemenarstvo, 29 (1-2), 5-13.
Viljevac, M., Dugalić, K., Jurković, V., Mihaljević, I., Tomaš, V., Puškar, B., Lepeduš, H., Sudar, R., Jurković, Z. (2012): “Relation between polyphenols content and skin colour in sour cherry fruits”, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 57 (2), 57-67.
Sudar, R., Čupić, T., Horvatski Zivalov, T., Sudarić, A. (2012): „Oligosaccharides in legume Grains“, Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Food, Novi Sad, Lević, J. (ed.), Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology, 241-245.
Sudar, R., Jokić, S., Velić, D., Bilić, M., Sudarić, A., Keleković, S., Zec Zrinušić, S. (2012): „Determination of isoflavones in soybean meal after supercritical carbon dioxide extraction“, Proceedings of the 47th Croatian and 7th International Symposium on Agriculture, Opatija, Pospišil, M. (ed.), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 561-564.
Jokić, S., Zeković, Z., Vidović, S., Sudar, R., Nemet, I., Bilić, M., Velić, D. (2010): „Supercritical CO2 extraction of soybean oil: process optimization and triacylglycerol composition“, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 45 (9), 1939-1946.
Šimić, D., Sudar, R., Ledenčan, T., Jambrović, A., Zdunić, Z., Brkić, I., Kovačević, V. (2009): „Genetic variation of bioavailable iron and zinc in grain of a maize population“, Journal of Cereal Science, 50 (3), 392-397.
Horvat, D., Drezner, G., Magdić, D., Šimić, G., Dvojković, K., Lukinac, J. (2009): „Effect of an oxidizing improver on dough rheological properties and bread crumb structure in winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) with different gluten strength“, Romanian Agricultural Research, 26, 35-40.
Viljevac, M., Dugalić, K., Štolfa, I., Đermić, E., Cvjetković, B., Sudar, R., Kovačević, J., Cesar, V., Lepeduš, H., Jurković, Z. (2009): „Biochemical basis of apple leaf resistance to Erwinia amylovora infection“, Food Technology and Biotechnology, 47 (3), 281-287.
Šimić, G., Lalić, A., Kovačević, J., Horvat, D., Lenart, L. (2008): „Effect of genotype and environment on spring barley hordeins“, Cereal Research Communications, 36 (Part 3/S5), 1491-1494.
Horvat, D., Magdić, D., Šimić, G., Dvojković, K., Drezner, G. (2008): „The relation between dough rheology and bread crumb properties in winter wheat cultivars“, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 73 (1), 9-12.
Ledenčan, T., Sudar, R., Šimić, D., Zdunić, Z., Brkić, A. (2008): „Effects of the agroecological factors on sweet corn quality“, Cereal Research Communications, 36 (Part 2/S6), 1411-1414.